Healing Tantric Massage for Men's Bodies

Fully Guided Training

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Discover The Power of Healing Tantric Massage for Men

Embark on a Journey of Transformation: Men's Healing Tantric Massage Course - Liberating Your Sexual Energy for Total Well-being

Experience the profound power of healing touch with our Healing Tantric Massage Course for men's bodies—an immersive journey designed to release sexual blocks, enhance performance, and promote a deep sense of well-being. This transformative course delves into the realms of tantric wisdom, addressing concerns such as impotence, premature ejaculation, numbness, and beyond. Rediscover the potential within your own body, and cultivate a harmonious balance between physical and emotional vitality.

What is Healing Tantric Massage for Men?

This Healing Tantric Massage is not just a course; it's a sacred exploration of the transformative power of touch and tantric wisdom. Uncover a series of carefully crafted videos that offer a comprehensive guide to giving and receiving a healing tantric massage specifically tailored for women to give to their men (also applicable for same-gender couples). Whether you seek to overcome sexual challenges or enhance your overall well-being, this course is your gateway to unlocking the true potential of your sexual energy.

What Sets Us Apart?

  • Holistic Sexual Healing: Our course is designed to address a spectrum of concerns, including impotence, premature ejaculation, and numbness. Dive into the world of holistic sexual healing, guided by tantric principles.
  • Partner or Self-Exploration: Whether shared with a partner or explored with a friend, this course provides tools for fostering a deep sense of connection and well-being. It's an opportunity for partners to bond or for individuals to embark on a personal journey of sexual healing.
  • Emotional and Physical Release: Experience the therapeutic benefits of emotional and physical release. Our course gently guides participants to address sexual blocks, stress, and emotional tension, creating space for holistic healing.
  • Tantric Wisdom: Discover ancient tantric practices and techniques that go beyond the physical, promoting a harmonious balance between mind, body, and spirit. Unlock the secrets of tantric wisdom for a more fulfilling and vibrant life.
  • Lifetime Access: Enjoy unlimited access to a comprehensive video series, guiding exercises, and a supportive community. Revisit and reinforce your newfound skills at your own pace, whenever you need a moment of sexual healing.

What's Included:

Detailed Video Series: Step into the world of healing with a series of expertly crafted videos providing detailed instructions and demonstrations.

Guided Exercises: Practical exercises accompany each lesson, ensuring you can seamlessly integrate the techniques into your practice.

Community Support: Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals on a similar journey. Share experiences, ask questions, and celebrate successes.

Lifetime Access: Enjoy unlimited access to the course content, allowing you to revisit and reinforce your newfound skills at your own pace.

Ignite Your Sexual Vitality and Embrace Total Well-being!

Reclaim your sexual power and overcome challenges with the Healing Tantric Massage Course for men's bodies. This course is your key to unlocking the transformative power of tantric wisdom, promoting sexual healing, and fostering a deeper connection with yourself or your partner. Begin your journey today and experience the liberating effects of healing tantric massage.

Note: This course is intended for educational purposes and should be approached with respect, consent, and a commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for all participants.


Benefits of this Training

  • Melt away any numbness in your sexuality
  • Gently heal from past experiences using loving touch
  • Learn new ways to touch each other
  • Deepen connection and develop more fulfilling intimacy
  • Learn how to enter magical space as a couple through tantric rituals
  • Discover how to relax into sexual arousal and thus prolong the whole experience
  • Long-term couples: learn how to reignite the passion and heal old patterns
  • New couples: take your love life to a tantric level from the start

Healing before Pleasure

Tantric Massages are two types: Healing Massages and Pleasure Massages. This course is focusing on healing.

It is important to do the healing work first, and then move into pleasure. If we jump straight into pleasure, we might not feel the full depths of it, as our bodies hold deeply buried resistance to pleasure from past experiences and conditioning. So we do pelvic de-armouring and also yoni and lingam healing massages to heal our relationship to our own genitals.

To support your knowledge, there is also training in Tantric Anatomy included. Just educating ourselves on the anatomy of pleasure can open up more possibilities in our love life.

After this course you may feel ready to try the pleasure massage series.


As you release layers of armour built in response to society, family, and experiences, you will open yourself to deepened arousal, enhanced sensitivity, and infinite pleasure in a realm that is not only about sex but extends to the very life force itself.

-Maria Sky

What to expect from this training:

  • Learn rituals to bring magic to your relationship in everyday life
  • Understand the dynamics of giving and receiving
  • Hear about the Tantric philosophy behind worshipping the Yoni and Lingam, the female and male genitals.
  • Learn the basics of Tantric Anatomy to make you a better lover and masseuse
  • Be guided in rituals of connection, to be used before massage (or love making)
  • Discover different types of touch and their effect on the body
  • Learn full massage sequences, both video and audio

"We were blessed to discover Maria’s course at the most delicate time of our lives when we needed it most. Being pregnant with our first child and overwhelmed by the big shifts in our partnership, we started forgetting to slow down and savour each other’s presence.

Until one day, we looked at each other and made a commitment to connecting intentionally. Under Maria’s gentle and intuitive guidance, we started reawakening slow and nurturing intimacy, discovering our edges of pleasure together, bringing each other to new dimensions filled with pure bliss and light. Taking the Tantric massage course together helped us invite sacredness back into our union, inspiring us to worship each other’s bodies, hearts, and souls as sacred temples.

The energy we cultivated is expanding into all parts of our life together, bringing even more playfulness, joy, and wonder. Maria has created a truly safe environment for connecting deeper with oneself and a partner. Moving through her course feels like drinking a slowly dripping nectar of love, and we are grateful for getting to taste it."

- Iullia and Mateo


"Maria has created a beautiful course that is highly practical and mystical at the same time. It will make you embrace and fall in love with the art of tantric massage. The practices and techniques will take you and your partner to profound places within. Maria truly embodies what she teaches, and under her guidance, you will receive tools for expansion and authenticity."

- Valerie

Your Instructor

Maria Sky
Maria Sky

Maria Sky has been immersed in Tantra for 8 years full time, having completed a Facilitator Training (V | AUM). years of Tantric Yoga and the full Paths of Transformation Tantra Training with John Hawken.

Maria studied with Master Mantak Chia in the Tao Sexual Arts and is certified in Chi Nei Tsang, the bodywork for the abdominal area.

She has also completed many retreats with Hridaya, the Tantric Yoga school, which is a dedicated path of yoga and self-realisation.

She is a passionate dancer, yoga teacher, and Tantra practitioner who believes that aliveness and pleasure can heal the world.

Only one enrollment per couple: pay once for two to join!


Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the course?
You will have ongoing access to the course
Does this course serve same-sex couples?
Absolutely! The course has separate videos for different genital types, and so you can select the videos you need.
Do we need to be a long-term couple?
Not at all. You just need to be a couple who are intimate together and feel comfortable to touch each others bodies.
What is the point of a couples massage?
There are different reasons to give each other a tantric massage. You might be giving a healing massage, in which case you are not trying to turn them on, but helping them feel more relaxed and comfortable on their bodies and in their sexuality. Or you might be giving a pleasure massage, in which case you provide a space for the receiver to melt into their own pleasure. In this course we show you the difference between healing and pleasure massage.
What makes a tantric massage different from normal massage or from erotic massage?
A normal massage AVOIDS the erogenous zones and makes a focus on relaxation. A Tantric massage blends arousal and relaxation through slow massage and touch, including on the erogenous zones and genitals of your partner...it is designed specifically for lovers to share as part of their love life. It is also different from erotic massage, which focuses on arousal WITHOUT relaxation, and thus is all about the "happy ending", and relieving arousal from the body. In Tantra we want to stay aroused and yet relaxed to enjoy our intimacy together with our partner.

More about Your Instructor: Maria Sky

Tantric massage helped Maria gain freedom from the tension of her past that she was holding onto her body. This created such a shift in her life that she became a dedicated Tantric Massage Practitioner and got inspired to create this online course for those wishing to do the same.

Maria is committed to helping others discover the power of Tantric massage from the comfort of home. This is why she has condensed the knowledge into an easy-to-access format because she believes orgasmic pleasure is everyone's birthright.

Maria Sky is certified by:

  • V | AUM is a Tantric academy, dedicated to the revelation of the Self
  • Universal Healing Tao (UHT), created by Master Mantak Chia, rooted in the ancient healing traditions of Taoist Sexual Arts
  • The Yoga People, with a unique perspective on traditional practices by combining yoga, self-inquiry, shamanic tradition, Mayan Astronomy, Chakra Theory, and Reiki
  • Tao Valley, certified as a Chi Core Release Practitioner in the art of Taoist Abdominal Massage
  • The Paths of Transformation, founded by John Hawken, focus on expanding excitement and sensitivity to live with more aliveness, awareness, and radical acceptance.

Only one enrollment per couple: pay once for two to join!

Get started now!